Can you believe it is already March…
seems like just the other day it was February… ha ha ha
You know what the first of the month means…
that is right CURRENTLY…
this month's sponsor is…
thanks so much for sponsoring this month
why does it seem like I am always running out of glue sticks and dry erase markers…
it is a daily struggle… for reals
our state writing test is slipping up on me… and this year has been a little bit more difficult than my other years…they write like they are texting…
only a few are capitalizing I… WHAT???
so for the next few weeks I will be hammering basic writing knowledge
and we will be writing and writing until our little hands can write no more…
who is the wise guy who thought schools would be a great polling site…
it was probably decided way back when
when schools were not targets for the deranged loonies of the world
BUT these days we have to do intruder drills
and practice staying quiet and hiding in case some idiot comes in our school
we even teach our kids to alert us if a stranger is in the halls…
at my school all visitors must check in at the office and have their license scanned and then they are cleared by some system we have and they get a visitors pass sticker… those stickers alert the kids that they are a cleared adult and are allowed in our school...
BUT on voting days…
all that goes out the window…
the voters just walk in the front door
don't check in with the office…
our hall is filled with strangers…
we take alternative routes everywhere to not interact with the voters… BUT still
I should not have to have a talk with Bubs about stranger danger on voting day…
yes I know this convo is necessary and I have talked to him about it many times…
but I had to have a SPECIAL one this morning… because… well my little one likes to go potty a lot…
I am sure when he leaves for 6th grade… he is only in 1st... there will be a stall named after him in his honor…
for reals…
so today I told him… do not go to the bathroom… and if you absolutely have to go… go with a buddy… and if you go into the bathroom and an adult is in there get out FAST and tell your teacher…
I was on pins and needles all day about having voting in our school… more so because my little guy is there now… and I must say when the nurse came down to tell me he had fever and had to go home… I was somewhat relieved…
schools should not be polling sites
not in today's world
I asked this polling question on my IG and I had several comments…
go check it out at farleyfarleyfarley
and now here is your currently
on polling site…
let me know if your school is a polling site…
do you have regular classes
do you have PD
are you closed
how do you feel about this???