Halloween week is over…
with Red Ribbon Week and Trick or Treating… it was a crazy week for sure!!!
even today was a little crazy so that is why the Currently is just now being posted…
thanks to Kelly for being this month's sponsor
with Red Ribbon Week and Trick or Treating… it was a crazy week for sure!!!
even today was a little crazy so that is why the Currently is just now being posted…
thanks to Kelly for being this month's sponsor

I've said it before and I'm sure I will say it again…
I love the Today Show… I record it every single day
all 3 of them and I watch them when I get home…
I don't really watch them watch them… I really kinda have it on as background noise…
and I know I have a problem when Bub says…
is Matt Lauer over yet???
a cold front came through and it is perfect….
last night Trick or Treating was amazing…
no sweaty dripping stinky kiddos… I mean parents…
it really was the bestest Halloween weather I can ever remember…
Here is Bub in his Anakin costume… he is SUCH a Star Wars nerd…
he was getting upset because people kept calling him Luke Skywalker
and they called his light saber a sword or flashlight…
OK people I can understand the Luke for Anakin… BUT come on…
a sword??? or flashlight???
I helped him understand that we have a lot of older people living around us
and they don't really understand Star Wars…
that argument didn't work because he informed me that his MeMow (great grandma)
knows it's a light saber and she is in her 80s… ok point taken…
Game Set Match
I had my spots checked on Thursday… and my lovely dermatologist
likes to practice carving on me… not really I really LOVE HER…
but she thought some of my spots needed to be removed…
OUCH… one vacancy is on the back of my left leg… upper thigh…
yeah well it hurts… and then I have 5 stitches on my right BUTT cheek…
yeah that's nice… so sitting is not easy… and neither is sleeping…
OUCH OUCH OUCH… but it is a necessary thing to do when you are fair skinned
and full of freckles and moles
new boots…
cool weather… means new boots right!!!
Bub's hives have JUST now gone away…
if you didn't know…
Bub had hives for almost ALL of October… YAY… NOT
after several Drs visits and a few specialists later… we have it under control…
but while he was hive-n out… I could NOT let him get over heated…
HELLO I live in TEXAS… central TEXAS… it is HOT ALL the time…
well not right now BUT while he was a giant HIVE it was HOT HOT HOT…
and that kinda eliminates our walks…
I walk with him in a big jogging stroller…
he couldn't even ride in a Costco cart from the parking lot to the entrance
without looking like a polk dotted patootie…
and now that his hives are on the outs and the weather is cooler…
I can't wait to dust off the stroller and WALK!!!
and I need to pack…
not going to talk about that
it stresses me out…
but it relates to the BIG FLOOD of the summer and
us having to move out while our house FINALLY gets fixed…
hmmmmm enough about that
My favorite book right now…
If you are looking for a book
that can help you incorporate valuable virtues into your child's life, this book is for you.
Not only is my Bub excelling in October's focus virtue of being humble…
but he is also living it… he is practicing it… he is DOING IT!!!
I have seen a HUGE difference…
a few weeks ago
he didn't win the Fire Poster Contest…
he didn't win the Fire Poster Contest…
he wasn't even in the top 3…
I know I know… I was surprised too… but that's how life goes…
well… he just lost it… he didn't win… the world was going to end…
I started practicing some of the ideas from this book
and implementing them into our daily discussions
and implementing them into our daily discussions
and this week when he won 3rd place for his Pumpkin Book Project…
the first thing he did was congratulate his Buddy for winning 2nd…
I was a very proud Mamma…
I know if I had not seen this book
bought it
and started using it…
he would have had a VERY different reaction because he didn't win 1st!!!
I am soooo excited to read this month's chapter about having gratitude!!!
and I am also thinking about practicing these virtues in my classroom…
goodness gracious having gratitude and being humble is a lost art… right???
Ok now for the rules…
For the READING section…
what are you reading right now???
professional, personal, for fun…
what is it???
do you like it???
and I am also thinking about practicing these virtues in my classroom…
goodness gracious having gratitude and being humble is a lost art… right???
Ok now for the rules…
For the READING section…
what are you reading right now???
professional, personal, for fun…
what is it???
do you like it???
and now it is your turn…