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What WHA???
Did you notice anything new???
I got a new blog design...
I am in love love love with it...
I am pretty sure I am the only teacher with a BUCK in their classroom
and AND AND on my blog!!!
Doesn't he look spiffy???

so as a thank you to my new blog designer...
and she has no idea that I am doing this...
she is the honorary CURRENTLY SPONSOR this month....

Michelle was sooooooo great to work with...
I was not an easy client I am sure!!!
and she was more than willing to change, try, clip, cut, design, redo, and ALL of the other things I asked her to do....
I am so happy with the result!!!
The colors, one of a kind header, custom graphics, and sooo soooo much more!!!
It was worth the wait and every single cent!!!
Head on over and check out her portfolio...

alrighty let's get started
so in honor of my new blog design...
I had to put BUCK on the CURRENTLY!!!
now you can have a spiffy deer on your blog too... HA HA HA

so most of mine do not need explanation...
BUT some do...
I am listening to the Judson High school Basketball game on my laptop
Judson is the high school my little school feeds into
it was my high school
well the boys basketball team is in the playoffs
AND one of my former kiddos is one of the starters...
he is 6 feet 7 inches TALL...
holy shnikeys... that is tall
and to top it off he is a star player (really he is I am not just saying that because he was mine at one time... he really is GOOD)
the cherry on top... he is a stand up kid...
manners, smarts, drive, and caring
the kind you want to clone over and over and over again!!!
well I have to go and support a GREAT KID

Here he is with my little man :)
Oh and the game is over now and we won... by like 30 points...
they play again tomorrow and after they beat that team they go to state!!!!

needing to get back on track...
oh my gosh... I have been really bad...
last year I lost 50 pounds and this year I am pretty sure I have gained about half of it back...
I am signed up for the gym and I am on the look out for new running shoes and I am pretty sure my new braces (really invisalign) are going to keep me on the road back to wt. loss...
especially my new braces... can;t really snack with them and I have brushed my teeth to like blinding white status... seriously
but am getting back on track...

and what is up with that last question
well I thought it would be funny to post the answer and you have to guess the question... ha ha ha
so there is no set last question... NOPE...
so did you guess mine???
did you???
you will have to wait to find out...
try guessing in the comments
AND MOM you CANNOT answer... and Daliene and Kenoyer you are out too...
it is your turn...

please remember the rule of three...
go to the blog in front of you and make a nice meaningful comment and then come back and leave a nice comment on the blog behind your link...
that my friends is really the only rules I have...
OH and link directly to your CURRENTLY post purty please

remember the last question is your secret question... you leave the answer and we have to guess what the question is... kinda like Jeopardy BUT BETTER!!!

if you do not know how to link up... please visit the creations page at the top... and it will have links where you can go to find out...

and one last thing...
if you like doing CURRENLTY...
your kids will too
that is why I have....
I have provided enough CURRENTLY templates for all 12 months. Each month has a colorful template, an ink-friendly version, and a decorate-your own template. The first 5 questions are the same and the last question is unique. 

oh and look at my signature...

2 funny things happen today

2 funnies I had to share before I forget

so we are reviewing... shapes...
well that right there is funny...
4th graders don't know their shapes...
so funny I want to cry
boo hoo hoo
but that isn't the funny...
one of my little girls...
let me add innocent little sweet sweet sheltered little girls...
was letting me (and the class) know that she remembers
pentagons by saying
ummm NO honey don't say that.
ummm well (thinking about that naughty magazine)
and how do you explain that...
talk about octagons that is how...

we got a bunch of books from our district to celebrate Black History Month
I put them all in a basket...
one of the books was Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco...
when one of my kiddos decided to abandon his
OH I don't know... one millionth book
I suggested getting a book from the Black History Month Basket...
he procedes to ask me why Pink and Say was in the basket...
Pink shouldn't be in this basket
and he was surprised that Patricia Polacco wrote a book about Pink...
are you catching on to what he is thinking....
bless his heart he really thought this book was about PINK...
the rock star...
Did I tell him...
it was the first book he completed in weeks...

and there you have it...
2 funnies
hope these could bring a smile to your face :)


winner winner chicken dinner

first let me say THANKS so very much to all of you that entered :)
and THANKS to Mother's Therapy Organics
for offering a product giveaway
and now for the winner :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

YAY Beth...
I am going to email you in just a sec and officially tell you
and will fill you in on the details

thanks again to Mother's Therapy Organics
and to all those that entered :)


Cutie Valentine Freebie

Linking up with my CUTIE
Tara for....

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching...
and I needed something for Bub to take to school
he is in Pre-K
I didn't want to send candy
and thought about little trinkets
but I know what happens to our trinkets...
they get lost at the bottom of the toy box
so what is a mom to do...
like any good mom wanting to out do the other moms
I looked on Pinterest...
and I found a ton of healthy ideas...
this one was my fave...
is this not the cutest...
and it is a free download...
I LOVE it...
click on the pic to go there
but I did want something a little less girlie...
so I began my own "clementine valentine"...

so if you like my little toppers...
and I hope you do...
I have them for you!!!
yep they are a free download...
for my facebook fans
and it is for a limited time only...
so hurry and go grab yours...
after Valentine's Day
or let's get real... when I remember to take it off
it will be added to my gift tag pack...

THIS is my first facebook freebie so HOPEFULLY
fingers crossed and crossed and toes too
that it works...

and one last thing...
THANKS to the following ladies
without them my
cutie toppers wouldn't be as cute...
thanks to...

click on any of the pics to take you to their sites

head on over to my Facebook page and grab your freebie :)


Product Review and GIVEAWAY

Recently I was contacted by
Mother's Therapy Organics
I was super excited when they contacted me because...
they wanted to send me some of their GERM FIGHTING products...
I am a self declared germaphobe and this made me SUPER HAPPY!!!!

If you have been following me...
you know my little house has been a petri dish for germs lately...
It all started with the HUBS getting the flu...
Bub and I did NOT...
and I attribute that to good hand washing and using great hand sanitizers!!!
and I recently got over a horrible yucky case of bronchitis...
I was constantly washing my hands
and they were getting chapped and super dry....
so what's a FARLEY to do....

I started using the hand lotion from Mother's Therapy Organics
A little bit of this lotion goes a long way.
When I first put a little dollop in my hand it was SUPER shiny... and reminded me of shampoo or conditioner... I am not gonna lie I thought it was going to be sticky and super greasy and thick....
it went on super smooth and left my hands soft and germ-free...
not to mention the smell is very refreshing.

I decided to get the opinions of others
Heather- said it reminded her of shampoo and then after she rubbed it in LOVED it... she said it was super soft and smelled great

Cole one of my students came up to me complaining of a chapped cheek (I am besties with his mama) so I gave him a little squirt of the lotion and at first he was a little apprehensive because of the look BUT I told him to rub it in... he said it cooled his cheek off (and chin)
and let me tell you his cheek (and chin) stayed moisturized throughout the day... good stuff
oh and Cole also said it smelled fresh

Bub... wanted some and so I let him try some... he smiled at the shiny-ness and
rubbed it all over... up and down his arms...
he sniffed his hands and commented... oh that smells delicious

so there ya have it...
friends and family are LOVING this product...
and I haven't even talked about the hand sanitizer

this is Bub's favorite...
once again ... it smells delicious
ha ha ha...
it is clear like other hand sanitizers
but the smell is fresh and cucumbery
it leaves your hands smelling good and smooth

I had this at school too...
the fourthies had 3 to choose from...
I keep them by the door...
they had
the generic one that is pungent with the alcohol smell
a B&B red one that smells like cupcakes or cake... can't remember
and then they had
Mother's Therapy Organics
you might think the B&B one would be their fave....
I had to take the Mother's Therapy one home because if I didn't I wouldn't have any left...

so what makes these so special...
why should you care
for one...
they are a WOMAN owned business ...enough said
their goal is to provide moms with a healthy alternative to those alcohol based sanitizers
and they use safe and natural ingredients

the generous people from
Mother's Therapy Organics
has offered a great GIVEAWAY for my readers....
click on pic to head to their website so you can see ALL of their fab products


a Rafflecopter giveaway

I wanted to let you know...
YES Mother's Therapy Organics contacted me to do a review and giveaway
YES my opinions are honest and my own
I will always strive to provide my readers with my honest opinions
YES I want to thank Mother's Therapy Organics for this opportunity and for sponsoring this wonderful giveaway


a tool against the BEAST

a lot of us have this wonderful STATE TESTING BEAST thing coming
and coming FAST...
like... it is no longer around the corner
it is on MY STREET...
it is closing in on me and my KIDDOS...
you can feel it approaching...
and soon it is going to be on my doorstep and
before it gets inside and breathes down our necks...
I need to have my kiddos prepped and ready

we have been doing a ton of practices, benchmarks, CBAs, old released tests, and this and that and more
most of this is a result of the fear...
fear that you haven't done enough
fear that the BEAST has morphed
fear from you
fear from parents
fear from your boss
fear from your district...
and worst of all FEAR from your kids...
everyone FEARS this BEAST...
our lives as teachers are summed up by the BEAST
if our kids beat the BEAST we know it...
and if our poor babies do NOT defeat the BEAST...
it follows them around for the rest of their education careers...
like a badge of BEAST FAILURE....

and this
this FEAR....can overwhelm you
and your classroom
heck my fear sets in UMMMM right about now...
can you tell???

even those kiddos who always do well might miss a question and cry
and then you have the ones that try and try and try
and try some more... and do their BESTEST... and are ALMOST there...
they are sad too...
and pretty soon everyone wants to cry....
even me

it is the BEAST
I am not a fan of the BEAST
to tell you the truth I would love to have the BEAST BANISHED....
but since people that have never taught run our education system the BEAST will live on...

did I scare ya...

so I saw my FOURTHIES getting a little bogged...
especially when it came to the writing test....
ummmm scary
and I keep telling them... the more we write the better we get....
and that only gets them so far.....
and then I showed them this...

is this not the perfect movie to show???
I consider it a tool of sorts ...
to be used in my favor against the BEAST...

my kiddos and I talked about how they stumbled in their writing
and when the year first started they were those little babies
(some did WHINE about writing... some still do)
and now they are on the path to being GOLD MEDAL WINNERS
we have been practicing to get them a MEDAL...
A medal of concurring the BEAST

they even WROTE about how this movie connects to their writing journey...
I was in one of those teaching moments where I was like
AHHHHHHHHHH unicorns and rainbows and glitter moments...
I mean all I needed was like a WALK THROUGH.... and this would have been PERFECT....
how come they never see a spontanious unicorn rainbow glitter moment...
this is a GREAT WEAPON to use against the BEAST...
with hard work and determination
we all show improvements
and with improvements comes the possibilities of

I hope you can use this tool in your arsenal
GOOD LUCK in your Battle with the BEAST!!!