It is almost 2015…
ok we still have a few hours… like 12 BUT
it is the last day of 2014…
let's celebrate…
and because tomorrow I will not be around my computer
because we always have a traditional family gathering at my grandparents'
to eat black eyed peas and corn bread… YUMMY!!!
I am posting the CURRENTLY today!!!
January's Currently is brought to you by…
click on the button
head on over
and say hi!!!
Alright here we go...
* I might be addicted to watching the TODAY SHOW… and to tell you the truth
I don't even watch some of it… it is just background noise.
I record it during the week and watch all 3 of the episodes… yep ALL 3 when I get home!!
*my new insurance starts tomorrow… thank goodness!!! This year has been torture with my medical bills… long story short… I went with the cheap insurance and then did a secondary thingy
all of this was suggested and recommended by the rep that helped us sign up….as the way to go because our insurance at work went up so much again… so I did it…
GONG!!!! WRONG!!!!
I had knee problems and my stupid ovaries are at their old tricks again… so needless to say BILLS BILLS BILLS… WHY DO I EVEN HAVE INSURANCE IF MY BILLS ARE THIS MUCH?!?!
and what the heck does the secondary thingy cover…
OH MY WORD!!! so when it was time to sign up again… I said SEE YA!!!
and I am now on HUBS' and we are saving hundreds… hundreds a month… HUNDREDS…
that is crazy…
when I first started teaching I was paid a little extra to go with the insurance plan I picked…
yep like $80
and now for JUST ME it would cost almost $500 a month… and that is just me!!!
Hubs and Bubs have always been on Hubs' plan and now I am too!!! YAY!!!
I am dumb for not switching over sooner.
* we packed up most of the Christmas stuff… we just need to take down the trees… ornaments are put away… it is JUST THE TREES!!! and I always go through our closets and get rid of all kinds of schtuff during break!!!
* I always want Hubs to get off early when I am home and he is not. Even if he gets off early… he works so far away it takes him another 45 minutes to an hour to get home. Plus he can take down the trees while I tackle the closets.
* I feel like the couch has become an appendage.
I have slept on the couch more nights than I would like to admit
At first it was because I was sick and didn't want to get Hubs sick… BUT now I really don't have an excuse…. I need to get busy busy busy!!!
* YES- I am going to get back on my plan and lose more weight. I was on a good roll a few months back and I need to get back on it!!!
MAYBE - I am in a serious comfort zone at the school I am at… I have had other opportunities pop up and I am always too scared to go for it… 2015 might be my year to GO FOR IT!!!
I WISH- I have been thinking about having my own store for a little while now… I would love to have a very quirky antique store… with candles and jewelry and up cycled things and antiques… kinda like Antiques Roadshow and Salvage Dawgs and Flea Market Flip and Junk Gypsy all swirled into one… I would love for there to be other quirky vendors who rent space in my store… like local artists!!! THIS IS MY DREAM!!! I have really been thinking about this!!! A LOT!!! A LOT A LOT!!!
ok and now it is your turn...
OK let's link up
on the last one…
YES- is what you will do in 2015
MAYBE- is what you hope or would like to do but you are not going to beat yourself up over it
I WISH - something you would DREAM of doing BUT probably won't BUT if you do AWESOME!!!

random Christmas stuff
So are you ready for the break???
Are you on survival mode?
or are you like a Christmas Elf on a sugar high?
I feel like I fit nice and snuggly right in the middle of those…
my list is forever long…
school list and home list…
and every time I cross something off I add 2 more…
I kinda thrive on this kinda of Christmas Chaos
well I have some VERY random…
and sometimes squirrely things I thought I HAVE to share with you
I should be resting
really I should…
I BARELY made it through the day…
BARELY... because…
I am battling some kind of crud…
seriously… I have been dealing with this schtuff for going on 4 weeks…
this will be my 3rd dose of antibiotics… I feel much better when I am on the meds…
BUT as soon as I get off… the crud moves back in…
ear ache… pressure… sore throat… swollen nodes… just yucky I tell ya...
AND let's not talk about the 2 days of H-E- double hockey sticks of waiting for a BRAIN SCAN to come back… because the ear that is bothering me is on the same side of my head as my scar from
skin cancer… let's just say I probably needed some good crazy pills those 2 days…
and well that came back clean… thank the LORD!!! and so…. I will be on ANOTHER antibiotic
stronger and longer…
BUT my antibiotics will not be ready til tomorrow…
I was suppose to have them on Friday…
BUT I will get HIVES if I go into that discussion…
and my loverly Mamma is going to pick them up for me!!!
LOVE YOU MAMMA!!! (she reads my blog… and that will make her smile and reading this will make her laugh… right mom you just laughed!!! anyways… I LOVE HER!!!)
she is not only going to pick them up… she is going to deliver them too!!!
to my school… thanks Mamma
OK so now you see…
I should be resting… BUT NOPE…
I just have to share these things with you…
because I am not the only CrAzY stuck in the middle of this Christmas Chaos…
so here it goes…
Hopefully you can get something out of this randomness...
this is the random squirrel….
so these are all on my plans …
hopefully you can find something to make your plans easier for the week…
I KNOW I KNOW… you could have used this YESTERDAY…
BUT hey
I was too busy WINNING MVP!!!
click on the pic and it will take you to TpT
I don't know why Blair's Pics got cropped weird…
but the links work…
she has these for EVERY HOLIDAY!!!
Only 7 chapters long… perfect book to read right now… and FUNNY!!!
This is a great resource to use with the book!!!
Stocking Stuffer Party
I have had a couple of peeps request I talk about my
so here it goes…
I am so sorry BUT…
I don't have pics other than those that I used in a link up…
so if you will excuse the NUMBER 5
and that my photos are worded in the past…
we are good to go
So for the last few years I have done a
I am pretty sure I got the idea from
Kenoyer over at Krazy Town… she was and still is my mentor…
although I am still waiting for her to come out of retirement and help me teach writing…
her and my mother…
I am not holding my breath… sigh
anyways… this is POSSIBLY the coolest way to do a Holiday/Christmas Party!!!
seriously… it is WAY better than… the book exchange…
you know the kind where some kid's mom went WAY above the price limit
and then one poor baby sneaks a used torn dirty one from home
and then somehow they get each others….
poor baby is so excited they can't contain themselves
and over achiever is in the corner crying…
I was always that kid crying in the corner…
with the dirty torn book.
it scarred me… for life really it did!!!
NOPE done with that…
so I am being honest…
I forgot to send the note out… before Thanksgiving… OOOPS
so they got the note TODAY…
and it is just a little note in their newsletter explaining the process…
with ideas…
basically it tells them…
please have your kiddo bring in 23 items to stuff into their classmates' stockings
I have 23 kids so they need to bring in 23 things…
one for their stocking too… right
and then I give them ideas…
pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, red pens, black sharpies, highlighters, glue sticks,
I ALWAYS list school supplies first… I can DREAM right…
then I get into the yummy stuff
gum, candy, lollipops, Kisses, fruit snacks, snack packs, chocolates, candy canes, mints, hot chocolate,
and then I get into the OH WOW that's a good idea category
chapstick, crazy straws, trinkets, socks, mittens, glow sticks, ornaments, stickers
and then YOU HAVE TO ADD…
handmade cards, handmade crafts
and of course I always include…
If you are unable to bring in 23 items for the party PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know…
I alway BUY a giant bag of Kisses and a big box of pencils
for those kiddos that can't or forget to bring something
I also stock up on some BULK goodies at Costco just for this reason too.
I will send out NUMEROUS reminders…
so many my parents will get sick of seeing the STOCKING STUFFER PARTY notes…
but I don't want them to forget…oh and here is another secret…
I can't find any of my hard copies or digital copies of my notes home…
I am making them as I go…
OK so …
what about the stockings…
I just use the really BIG construction paper and have them trace over a template
I always seem to lose the template from year to year… HA HA HA…so our stockings are always different… oh well!!!
this year I am going to do a COWBOY BOOT pattern…
I am in TEXAS… YEE HAW!!!
ONE tip I have is … after cutting out the two sides…
tape the two sides together with a few pieces of tape…
before punching the holes… that helps A LOT!!!
believe me it does!!!
and it keeps it together while they lace it up.
We start our stocking making on the MONDAY before the party…
I find it keeps them on task BECAUSE… they can't work on the stocking unless they are done with their work.
I add their name to the stocking with glue and they glitter… with supervision…
I am a glitter HOG… don't waste my glitter…
and sometimes if you are not watching… you might get this…
YEP a skull made out of glitter from my glitter discard tray…
clever YES…
and boys say they don't like glitter…
I present to you exhibit A
LOOK… I found another pic from 2 years ago…
I forgot that one of my kiddos brought everybody a pinecone…
AND look … YEP the idea is from KENOYER!!!
thanks friend!!!
OK I hope that sums it up…
I let about 5 kiddos stuff the stockings… at a time
we hang them from the back of our chairs…
we stuff the stockings during our Party FEAST… which consists of me purchasing pizza and fruit drinks… and them eating the pizza and drinking the fruit drink…
and watching some Christmas related movie
they are NOT allowed to UNstuff their stocking UNTIL everyone has stuffed…
this is torture for them… and slightly fun for me… HE HE HE
and then after we clean up our feast mess…
they are allowed to unstuff their stockings…
they love it….
smiles all around…
it really is a GREAT WAY to CELEBRATE!!!
does that do it???
did I give you enough info???
I know I was scattered because I tried to type this as fast as I could…
and get it up so you still have time to get it started…
if you have anymore stuffer items ideas… let me know!!! PLEASE
I like to give lots of ideas on my reminder notes…
so here it goes…
I am so sorry BUT…
I don't have pics other than those that I used in a link up…
so if you will excuse the NUMBER 5
and that my photos are worded in the past…
we are good to go
So for the last few years I have done a
I am pretty sure I got the idea from
Kenoyer over at Krazy Town… she was and still is my mentor…
although I am still waiting for her to come out of retirement and help me teach writing…
her and my mother…
I am not holding my breath… sigh
anyways… this is POSSIBLY the coolest way to do a Holiday/Christmas Party!!!
seriously… it is WAY better than… the book exchange…
you know the kind where some kid's mom went WAY above the price limit
and then one poor baby sneaks a used torn dirty one from home
and then somehow they get each others….
poor baby is so excited they can't contain themselves
and over achiever is in the corner crying…
I was always that kid crying in the corner…
with the dirty torn book.
it scarred me… for life really it did!!!
NOPE done with that…
so I am being honest…
I forgot to send the note out… before Thanksgiving… OOOPS
so they got the note TODAY…
and it is just a little note in their newsletter explaining the process…
with ideas…
basically it tells them…
please have your kiddo bring in 23 items to stuff into their classmates' stockings
I have 23 kids so they need to bring in 23 things…
one for their stocking too… right
and then I give them ideas…
pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, red pens, black sharpies, highlighters, glue sticks,
I ALWAYS list school supplies first… I can DREAM right…
then I get into the yummy stuff
gum, candy, lollipops, Kisses, fruit snacks, snack packs, chocolates, candy canes, mints, hot chocolate,
and then I get into the OH WOW that's a good idea category
chapstick, crazy straws, trinkets, socks, mittens, glow sticks, ornaments, stickers
and then YOU HAVE TO ADD…
handmade cards, handmade crafts
and of course I always include…
If you are unable to bring in 23 items for the party PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know…
I alway BUY a giant bag of Kisses and a big box of pencils
for those kiddos that can't or forget to bring something
I also stock up on some BULK goodies at Costco just for this reason too.
I will send out NUMEROUS reminders…
so many my parents will get sick of seeing the STOCKING STUFFER PARTY notes…
but I don't want them to forget…oh and here is another secret…
I can't find any of my hard copies or digital copies of my notes home…
I am making them as I go…
OK so …
what about the stockings…
I just use the really BIG construction paper and have them trace over a template
I always seem to lose the template from year to year… HA HA HA…so our stockings are always different… oh well!!!
this year I am going to do a COWBOY BOOT pattern…
I am in TEXAS… YEE HAW!!!
ONE tip I have is … after cutting out the two sides…
tape the two sides together with a few pieces of tape…
before punching the holes… that helps A LOT!!!
believe me it does!!!
and it keeps it together while they lace it up.
We start our stocking making on the MONDAY before the party…
I find it keeps them on task BECAUSE… they can't work on the stocking unless they are done with their work.
I add their name to the stocking with glue and they glitter… with supervision…
I am a glitter HOG… don't waste my glitter…
and sometimes if you are not watching… you might get this…
YEP a skull made out of glitter from my glitter discard tray…
clever YES…
and boys say they don't like glitter…
I present to you exhibit A
LOOK… I found another pic from 2 years ago…
I forgot that one of my kiddos brought everybody a pinecone…
AND look … YEP the idea is from KENOYER!!!
thanks friend!!!
OK I hope that sums it up…
I let about 5 kiddos stuff the stockings… at a time
we hang them from the back of our chairs…
we stuff the stockings during our Party FEAST… which consists of me purchasing pizza and fruit drinks… and them eating the pizza and drinking the fruit drink…
and watching some Christmas related movie
they are NOT allowed to UNstuff their stocking UNTIL everyone has stuffed…
this is torture for them… and slightly fun for me… HE HE HE
and then after we clean up our feast mess…
they are allowed to unstuff their stockings…
they love it….
smiles all around…
it really is a GREAT WAY to CELEBRATE!!!
does that do it???
did I give you enough info???
I know I was scattered because I tried to type this as fast as I could…
and get it up so you still have time to get it started…
if you have anymore stuffer items ideas… let me know!!! PLEASE
I like to give lots of ideas on my reminder notes…
Currently December
Can you believe it is almost Christmas…
It is hard for me to imagine tomorrow is December 1st….
I know tomorrow is going to be so CRAZY with Cyber Monday sales…
especially at TpT!!!
Is your wish list crazy like mine???
I got on to Bub for being greedy with his Christmas list
and then I looked at my TpT wish list and
I felt a little bad for getting on to him…
just a little bad
seriously… how many legos can one kid have..
and they are NOT cheap… and if you step on one of those boogers…
BAD language is guaranteed to fly out of your mouth
nothing on my wish list causes such pain and profanity…
so to get ahead of the TpT sale breaking the internet
(isn't that the new saying… breaking the internet)
I wanted to get the CURRENTLY up and going tonight…
this month's sponsor is the one and only….
love her!!!
so let's get this party started…
all of mine are pretty self explanatory
except giving…
EVERY December… I try to teach my students that giving is much more rewarding than receiving…
and every day we do a Random Act of Christmas Kindness…
we leave coins in the pencil machine…
we leave erasers or other school supplies randomly around the school…
we give treats to the office staff…
treats to the cafeteria workers…
treats to the custodians…
lots or different things…
and each treat has a RACK tag
I also do this at home.. with Bub….
mail man, sanitation workers, neighbors, friends, fast food drive thrus, coke machines, all different places….
it is a great way to teach the virtue of generosity!!!
so to help you out… I have a freebie in my TpT store that can help you with your
Random Acts of Kindness….
click on the pic below to get your free copy!!!
so before you link up…
they are easy
give a freebie..
give a shout out…
give advice…
give so that others can feel your love
It is hard for me to imagine tomorrow is December 1st….
I know tomorrow is going to be so CRAZY with Cyber Monday sales…
especially at TpT!!!
Is your wish list crazy like mine???
I got on to Bub for being greedy with his Christmas list
and then I looked at my TpT wish list and
I felt a little bad for getting on to him…
just a little bad
seriously… how many legos can one kid have..
and they are NOT cheap… and if you step on one of those boogers…
BAD language is guaranteed to fly out of your mouth
nothing on my wish list causes such pain and profanity…
so to get ahead of the TpT sale breaking the internet
(isn't that the new saying… breaking the internet)
I wanted to get the CURRENTLY up and going tonight…
this month's sponsor is the one and only….
love her!!!
so let's get this party started…
all of mine are pretty self explanatory
except giving…
EVERY December… I try to teach my students that giving is much more rewarding than receiving…
and every day we do a Random Act of Christmas Kindness…
we leave coins in the pencil machine…
we leave erasers or other school supplies randomly around the school…
we give treats to the office staff…
treats to the cafeteria workers…
treats to the custodians…
lots or different things…
and each treat has a RACK tag
I also do this at home.. with Bub….
mail man, sanitation workers, neighbors, friends, fast food drive thrus, coke machines, all different places….
it is a great way to teach the virtue of generosity!!!
so to help you out… I have a freebie in my TpT store that can help you with your
Random Acts of Kindness….
click on the pic below to get your free copy!!!
so before you link up…
they are easy
okie dokie… here is yours…
and if you are a FB follower or follow my IG…
I gave you a heads up and the image early…
so you can get a head start…
I love my followers :)
I love my followers :)
give a freebie..
give a shout out…
give advice…
give so that others can feel your love
Five for Friday
I haven't blogged since the CURRENTLY…
oh my!!!
needless to say it has been a little cray around here and
I feel like this week it has finally calmed down… YAY
I have been relaxing and enjoying my Thanksgiving Break
It is a tradition at our school to have a snowball fight before we go home for Thanksgiving Break…
We throw wadded up paper at each other…
and the paper is our filled out Secret Santa Forms…
at the end of the 2 minute snowball fight…
you grab a snowball and that is who you have for Secret Santa!!!
It is so much fun!!!!
he had a little help from his after school buddy and I think it turned out cute!!!
Can you read it?
SOOOOO lucky I live in the city I teach in…
BUT I really hardly ever run into my kids when I am out shopping…
and I shop A LOT!!!
BUT when I do run into one…. I LOVE it…
especially when they are all grown up and were one of your FAVES!!!
I asked this one's mommy if I could post this on my blog and she said of COURSE…
AHHHHHH I love this girl and her family!!!
she was in that special group that looped with me from 3rd to 4th…
they have a special place in my heart
so a group of us from school had a girls day
and we painted boots…
thank goodness they had it drawn out for us…
so here is how we got our board
here are all my craziesthis cutie… is the one that got it all organized
she is one of my besties… I LOVE HER so much!!!
she left me in 4th and moved to 1st… LUCKY
but you know what she is an AWESOME 1st grade teacher so it was meant to be…
even if we are on opposite sides of the school and I only see her when her class has music and she has to go by my room…. LOL
almost done… almost…
this stuff stresses me out…
I was trying to have fun and listen and all that jazz
BUT I am a perfectionist and this stressed me out!!!
all the crazies and our boots!!!
seriously… I do!!!
and I am going to hang it in my class…
with my boots…
and I will have signs…
sign 1- if you act like this (pic of donkey)
sign 2- then you get the... (pic of boots)
that would be awesome right!!!???!!!
Our Thanksgiving was so much fun!!!
We always go to my grandparents' house to meet up with family and friends.
Our family tradition is to take a little family selfie in the car.. we have done this for years
I think they are funny!!!
My nephew introduced Bub to a new game…kinda like mine craft but not…
I am not even sure…
is it MIND or MINE craft…
all I know is this is like it BUT not it…
my sis in law said it is better for the littles…
no creepers
so that is what he is doing in the background of this pic
and he did it until the phone died… OH MY GOSH
this is my little nephew!!!
isn't he a cutie patootie!!!
I did snag some pics of my Bub before he got all hot and sweaty
and before he got sucked into that game
I am IN LOVE with these pics of him…
he melts my heart…
He is a blessing to me, Hubs, and my entire family...
had a great Thanksgiving
and I hope you enjoy the few days of break we have left….
Don't forget there is going to be a sale soon…
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