Well ladies and gents...
the opossum situation is somewhat resolved!!!
We are back in our room BUT
it still has a lingering odor of this crazy smelling deodorizer thingy ma bob that they placed in my ceiling.
SERIOUSLY I kinda would prefer the slime smell...
OK not really but this deodorizer was OBViously picked out by a MAN...
I can only think that it is probably named
1970's mirror hanging car deodorizer
good news is I got a completely new ceiling, my room has never been cleaner (it was sanitized and disinfected more than once), and I get to teach with my windows open to help get the 1970s smell out... not so bad...
and side note the deodorizer thingy is suppose to be dissolved within 2 weeks...
one down one to go :)
and I know it is Saturday BUT I love linking up with Doodle Bugs
for her FIVE for Friday...
so here we go
and it is not going to be soooo cute because my BRAND NEW DELL laptop
has the blue screen of death and
after some awesome customer service said the Farleys NEVER
they said there is nothing they can do for me except for me to send it into them and they will replace it...
WHY WOULD I want a NEW one...this one IS NEW and it already DIED...
HELLO people...
and they said that they couldn't save my files
all of my stuff ( I know I should have backed it up)
all of my stuff would be lost forever in cyber space...
hopefully it is swirling on a glitter galaxy or greatness
but I could have someone else save them for me
like the GEEKS and I would pay for the expense...
seriously my laptop is less than 3 months old...
I am a little mad
OK I am way TICKED off
hubby told them they were lucky he was talking to them because it would not be good if they were talking to me
so long story short...
ONE a good friend of hub's saved all of my files and it cost me a fresh batch of homemade cookies
and TWO I bought it at Costco and they have a great return policy and
put a fork in it DELL that situation is DONE!!!
and I am DONE with DELL
the END
and now I am on my Hub's puter trying to do my blog...
and now I am on the look out for a NEW computer AGAIN!!!
now for something I LOVE...the
my kids love me...
they might be my toughest and roughest group yet...
BUT they love me and I LOVE THEM..
they have decided
on their own I might add...
that every Monday is now
and everyone should wear something mustache...
I didn't know this until this Monday
and look at all this cuteness!!!
I found these BIC Poster sized markers at
TARGET and I am in LOVE
they are great for making Anchor Charts and
they are BRIGHT!!!
I am not being asked to review these and if I was my opinion would be the same...
they would get 3 out of 3 {puffy} hearts
on the
Farley Grading Scale of Love
We have more wonderful STATE tests coming up...
so excited about that (sarcasm)
and we needed some quick and fun review of poetry...
so where else does a teacher go to look for fun activities...
and I found a fab item by...
it is in her store...
it is Shel Silverstein Poetry Task Cards and let me tell you
I love them
my kids LOVE them
they are fun
and quizative
and well just a really nice activity!!!
I encourage you to check them out :)
I hang mine around the room to get my kiddos moving around and searching.
see it on the giant orange in the tree???
there is another on the zebra's nose
Keeps them busy and it is a great way to see if they are on task because they shouldn't be in one spot of the room for very long... see sneaky sneaky
take NOTE...this is the corner where the Opossum died... look up and see the far corner tile and the one right in front of it against the white wall... that is where the slime was... on the tile and ooozing down this wall... NOTICE the fan... it has dryer sheets attached to it to get my room smelling fresh laundry like and not... dead critter like... |
here are some of my anchor charts I made for our poetry review and
on the above I am off center... oh well didn't realize it was such a LOOOOOOONG word
and then
I think my mom asked me what it was (below)... it is a tree a SWIRLY tree!!!
it is suppose to be artsy because poetry (IMO) is artsy
I got to take this sweet girl to a birthday GIRLIE DAY
I wasn't able to make it to her party soooooo
I treated her to a spa day...
we had cupcakes and manis
I love this girl
her mama is one of my besties and is our school secretary
I taught this one's older brother too
and I had her for 3rd and she looped with me to 4th
now she is in 5th
well we had too much fun getting our nails done...
it was her first time :)
Melissa from Covington's Corner Blog went with us
and here is what we all got...
I got mint tips with a pink on pink bow on my favorite nail
Melissa got purple with polkadots and teal nails
and B got red with a ladybug on her fave nail :)
Well that about does it...
I love looking at all of the recaps from the week
you should go join too
it is not too late!!!
and stay tuned
because I might have some exciting, thrilling, maybe news
next Friday