I am so excited to bring you March's Looky Lou

Gina is a veteran South Florida teacher
and as you can tell she loves DISNEY!!!
(a girl after my own heart)
As a Looky Lou
Gina gets to pick her TOP 3
so number one...

this is her NUMBER ONE seller...
you can see why
click on the pics above to see for yourself
number 2...
her store has lots of these to choose from...
what a great idea!!!
I think these are sooo cute and how fun for the kiddos
click on the pic to see this one and then check for the others too
number 3....
How fun are Scoot Games???
tons of fun!!!
and Gina has LOTS of Scoot games in her store!!!
basic operations, fractions, telling time, and geometry
click on the pics to see this great game!!!
I want to thank Gina for being the Looky Lou Sponsor
and I encourage you to head on over to her blog
her store
and go tell HI and Farley sent me to her FB
If you want to be a Looky Lou Sponsor or what an ad space on the side of my blog...
go all the way to the top of this post and look for the advertise page... click on it and go from there.