I had every intention to actually get this posted on Friday
but an impromptu trip to the Pottery Barn Outlet about 30- 45 minutes away
got between me and my blogging
and I was super sad girl when all of the couches I loved
were either too small or not comfy or way pricey...
so couch hunt 2013 continues!!!
but the trip was not a total loss I did get a great wallet from the Kate Spade Outlet...
and it was like 40% off and then another 20% off of that
which for you math geniuses is NOT 60% off
because it just isn't
but I told hubs it was and well
40 PLUS 20 does equal 60
and when I have to confess to the OCD money man (AKA hubs)
when he asked did you get a good deal... it sounded better... RIGHT?
but alas I am here
on the chair not from Pottery Barn
smiling about my new wallet but not wanting to break it in QUITE yet...
that's weird right? and now I am thinking about my 5 things to share...
and here we go...
I LOVE DBT for coming up with this linky...
it has really kicked my booty back into blogging after our
well you know...
OK so here we go...
we have been working SUPER SUPER HARD to get my MIL's house ready to go on the market...
my family...
parents, sibling and sibling in laws, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends
have ALL been helping out A LOT....
so I decided to buy dinner one night...
I kept thinking about the Pizza Hut commercial and those yummy SLIDERS...
sooooooo that is what we ordered and
well... pictures speak a thousand words.... right...
I was feeling a little ill on Tuesday
I think I had RODEO Fever
so the only cure is to go to the RODEO...
so I grabbed my cutest cowboy
and we headed down to the RODEO grounds...
and we just so happened to meet one of my besties
who also had the fever...I think it is contagious
and it just so happened that KINDER was on a field trip
at the RODEO
so we tagged along...
bub was so excited to be the caboose
for one of the kinder lines...
well I have been sporting a party on my wrist and
all of my favorite bracelets are invited
bracelet parties are so much fun...
you should throw one for your wrist too
so what do you do when you are teaching aaawwuubbis and some of your kiddos are NOT getting it...
well you have a contest...
AH-MAZING how fast they catch on...
we have been studying how to make a complex sentence using subordinating conjunctions...
just the words SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS... makes their little brains turn off...really it does...
it goes into a little automatic shut down phase
kinda like when they see a multistep math problem
BUT when you call it AAAWWUUBBISS
the brain stays on...
ok so they know what they are...
some can write them
BUT I wasn't 100 percent sure they were COMPLETELY
and totally getting it...
I threw a contest...
each group got a different colored post it and during their reading time they had to be on the look out for SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS....
each kiddo could only put one sticky in each box
and once the box was full
no more stickies were allowed
it was more peer pressure than teacher pressure to get the stickies up there
they had to come to me to get it approved
they also had a recording sheet
so it went like this...
read as a writer looking for SC
find it and show it to Farley
they had to prove it... explaining why it was a SC
(could quickly tell who got it and who needed more help)
if it was worthy they recorded it on their sheet and a sticky
and then the search went on...
as the game went on... the slower ones were being taught by the quicker ones
because remember each person could only post once in each square so if they found another one for that square they had to have another group member come to me and prove it... so the quicker ones were teaching (or reteaching) the slower ones
it really helped
we played this game for 2 days because they LOVED IT...
haven't figured out the winner yet...
probably green...
blue is apart of yellow because I ran out of yellow... ooops
back on my healthy eating
and with this little baby it will be much easier to make my smoothies
thanks hubby for my new blender
right now I am blending....
1 small banana, 1 small orange (sometimes) , 1/2 a cup of blueberries, 1 cup of spinach leaves, and 1/2 cup of greek yogurt... oh and 1 cup of ice... BLEND BLEND BLEND...
and wha laa
you have a nice yummy smoothie
it is a little odd in color BUT
it is yummy
I take it to school and sip on it all morning
NOTE**** I do NOT take it in a Margaritaville blender cup to school
that was my cup for this morning...
it is one of my favorite things to drink out of... hardly ever a margarita in it...
OK only the day I got it did it have a margarita in it...
so the cup gets lonely and it is my duty to make it happy so...
it is now my official weekend smoothie glass...
please note that the margaritaville cup looks HUGE in this pic and so I must say objects in this pic are not to scale... |
so what did you do this week???
head on over to
here is the link...
SERIOUSLY someone please tell me why I can't link things anymore on blogger
I try and some days it works and some days it does not...
I can't link pics or words...
I can add the whole link and then link it
but I would much rather not have to do that...
remember to enter my giveaway on the post right before this one... you could win a fab book!!!
no pressure no pressure and it is SUPER EASY to enter... SUPER EASY!!!!