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3am, 4th of July, & mystery sock

Hello AMAZING Farley Followers!!!!
It's me...The 3AM Teacher here...FOR REAL!!!
You want to know something kind of funny?? Of course you do...I am actually writing this blog at 3AM!!
 I feel so honored and quite excited to be guest blogging for  Meghan (Farley)!! Thank you Farley!!

Okay, enough with the (you know what color) nosing and onto more important things...like...

The 4th of JULY!!!

Growing up, my parents never were big about celebrating anything (mostly because they decorated their classrooms...hehehe), but we always spent every Independence Day at the beach in San Diego when people were allowed to watch fireworks and have bonfires on the sand. A time when we could park almost anywhere, pitch up a tent, and camp right on the beach!! That's right people...it used to be legal. Now people you see sleeping on the beach are called (well, we know what they are called) and they get arrested for what we used to call beach front property (-; 

The picture above features, my biological sister, Sara (the baby), my adopted siblings (the 3 to the right) and family friend (to the left) & ME...guess you can't guess which one I am...hahaha!! 

There is no better place to watch fireworks than on the beach at midnight!! Just writing about it brings back the salty taste of the air, the sound and rhythm of the tide, and  (don't forget...) the load of wet sand that EVERY girl smuggled home in the crotch-pocket of their bathing suits...hahahaha!!! If you have spent time at the beach ladies, then you will know exactly what I am talking about (-;

Now that we live in Arizona, we get to watch the fireworks from a golf course with the smell of the heat that emanates from the rocks...even at night. Just Kidding...well, not really actually. I feel so sad that my kids will not have that same tradition I had; however, this year we are going to go to the Glendale stadium on the 3rd for some fun and fireworks and then to an "HOA" block party at the golf course (yes, golf course...it's not that bad). Every year we drive up through the hills to find a perfect spot right before the fireworks begin. I wonder what smells and memories my kids will be talking about 10 years from now...

I would love to read about how your family celebrates the 4th of July....

I didn't have a very long post, but I just want to say thank you to Farley for being brave enough to let me take over a post as your guest!!! You are so amazing and I completely love following your blog!!! 

To celebrate...I have created a very special clip art set for all of Farley's Followers to grab 4 FREE (4 REAL!!). There is only one thing different about this savvy little set.....

That's right...it's a MYSTERY SET!!! You can grab the set by clicking the sock I created below (don't ask why I chose a sock...it was the first graphic I grabbed for this link...hehehe).

Thank you for having me... enjoy the FREE Clip Art set!!

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