Good Morning....
or afternoon
or evening or
whatever... it is officially
see proof

I am so excited to have a guest blogger for you today and GUESS WHAT?
when you are done reading my guest blogger's fab post
you can HOP on over to

because that is where I am a guest blogger!!!
and if ya want at the bottom of this post I am going to leave you with a whole linky
of all the Swap and Hops...
Hi Ya'll!!!
I'm Mor from
I'm so excited to guest post and be here with you & Farley today!
I KNOW Summer just started but my head is already spinning with ideas & I'm worried for that first week Back to School & Open House.
After spending 3 years in Middle School and not doing anything worth mentioning
for the above events, I'm sort of freaking out about it this coming year.
I'm back to the elementary classroom & will be teaching 5th grade.
I am psyched but a little scared :) I forgot how to be all nice & cutesy....
I wanted to do a fun first day activity with the kids, but I'm not one for arts & crafts that make a mess.
soooooo.... I decided to go for beads!
Upper elementary kids are all about friendships & socialization!!!
I thought I could give them the option to create either a necklace, a friendship bracelet, or a key chain, and they create a glyph using those beads.
Once they finish creating their necklace they can walk around the room with their surveys and get to know their friends better.
Here are the Glyphs I created & I'm giving it to you as a FREEBIE :)
Students will share about their siblings, favorite sports,pets, subjects, and books they've read!
It's a great conversation starter & students will complete surveys to help them get started.
I found these beads at Oriental Trading.
{click on each image to go to the direct link}
$6.25 / 500 Pieces $6.25/ 300 Pieces $8.75 / 2000 pieces
but you could really use any beads you find at the store.
What are some activities you do with your kids?!?
I'd love to hear some of your ideas!
Have a great summer!!!
Thanks so much Mor and how sweet is that ...
FREEBIE for you... be sure to tell her thanks when you are on her blog!!!!
OK remember keep hoppin...
kinda like Dory from Nemo
but instead of Just Keep Swimming.... Just keep Swimming
you are
and here is that linky list I promised you...
remember I am at Teaching In Heels!!!
and here is that linky list I promised you...
remember I am at Teaching In Heels!!!