I feel like maybe it was freeze tag!!!
I have been super UBER busy and I mean UBER
and in the spirit of this TAG your it thingy ma jig
I will giveyou the details of my uber busy
in my 12 things you don't know
about me...
can you believe I can give you 12 new things from just this week...
here we go...
1. My life was completely ruined (being slightly dramatic) when I got a message telling us we couldn't wear flip-flops (no matter the cost) and dark jeans can only be worn on Friday. I was devastated... my closet is ALL flip flops and come on I live in TEXAS this is redunkulous... and DARK or for the sake of fashion it is called CLEAN jeans... please note chubby girls have a hard time being fashionable as it is and 99.9% of all jeans have a fade (which is flattering on chubbies) and probably have whiskers (intentional faded creases) too...finding a clean jean...ONE I am NOT wearing mom jeans and 2 REALLY??? REALLY??? way to kill a non existent morale!!! AND 3 I have connections and I might just have to have my connections make me little tags that I can place on my flip flop boxes that read SANDAL... jus sayn
2. I had the absolute most horrible headache EVER in my life on Friday...this was BAD... I think this was God's way of saying you don't have sympathy for hubs when he has a migraine so here ya go BAM feel this and it is FRIDAY and you HAVE TO WORK... ok I hear ya... I will take care of hubs when he gets a migraine... lesson learned!!!
3. I am one of the Fabulous Faculty of the week and it makes me cringe every morning when the New Principal reads off my "fun" facts... WHY because when I was filling it out I thought it was just for her... so I filled it out completely Farley style...full of sarcasm... like favorite hobbies...paperwork and grading.... BUT I do LOVE the fact that my kiddos got to write me some super cute messages and they are so proud that I am the Faculty of the Week... my rein ends Tuesday (whhhaaaaa)
4. Every Thursday in my room (starting when we came back in January and picked our OLW)
we do Random Acts of Kindness the last 15 minutes of the day...
help kinders get packed
shelve books in the library
clean the floors in our hall for the custodian
help the office
help the nurse
each kid tells me what they want to do and then I send them off...
not all of the kiddos get to do this
they can't have any missing work
this week I had NO missing work!!
5. my kiddos were asked to make their Valentines rather than buy them...it is NOT required BUT I will supply the construction paper and other supplies if needed... Yesterday during indoor recess... they were taking surveys of what each other liked so they can make personalized cards...and some of them even started making them...that is how I got my crown...they knew I had a HORRIBLE HEADACHE... THO SWEET!!!

horrible picture
to go with my horrible headache
not my
6. I bought some fabulous clothes this week from TJ Maxx... and I returned those clothes b/c they just were not Farley enough... and I had to PAY $3.01 because I found some MORE fabulous clothes!!! Hubs said I was the only person he knew that could return clothes and pay more $$$....so not true
7. I tried on my outfits for more plus size modeling... photo shoot is this Wednesday... I think I have 4 outfits in all.... I say photo shoot like it is a PRO taking the pics... it is a small handheld BUT photo shoot sounds so much more chic
8. I didn't sleep good last night because we got hit by a pretty severe thunderstorm... some places got over 4 inches of rain in just an hour or 2... CRAY CRAY!!! My fear of storms happened at Disney when I was 8 and we took shelter under the castle from a storm and BAM it got hit by lightening... bippity boopity BOO I am scared of storms...
9. Hubs and I got new pillows and WE HATE THEM... new pillows in near future
10. Did I mention my no flip flop rule.... it is worth repeating... this new denial in my fave footwear has had me seriously contemplating going back to school to get my Masters in Admin... not sure I could leave my the classroom BUT I want to know more about this admin thing.... I know I would try my hardest to keep my teachers happy
11. I have had lots of requests to go into detail about my encounter with John Travolta
12. took a pic of my pic with John Travolta

long story short...
filming Michael in Gruene TX
I skipped college classes to get a pic
got pic
JT's hair from extensions in mouth
thoughts of biting JT's hair off
thought I might get caught by JT
no biting
went to Wally World to get developed
film was exposed (old school camera.. no digitals back then)
darn the luck skipped school again
got another pic
no extensions
Wally World 1 hour photo
wha laa picture
that was a lot from just one week
now I am going to answer these questions and I picked these questions because
Stacy from ...

was the first to tag me and I was playing freeze tag and so she is the only one that counts right??
thanks to the rest of you guys that tagged me but I just can't answer 124 questions... and PLUS
Stacy tagged me FIRST
So...onto the 12 questions from STACY
1. How long have you been blogging?
PLEASE HOLD let me go look.....
IT IS MY BIRTHDAY... I did not KNOW look for a birthday present from me to you on my facebook...
2. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
I have 2... bubble gum by Baskins and Phish Food by B&J
3. Who is your number one blogging addiction, as in, gotta' read their new post every day??
Teeny and Tunstall
4. Best find on Pinterest to date? (slightly selfish motivation)

I REALLY want one of these... so my boys and I can go camping in style...
5. Most memorable freebie from the blog world to date? (more selfish...)
too many
lots of generous bloggers out there
6. Worst experience as a teacher?
NONE...all are growing experiences... well except this FLIP FLOP THING!!!
7. Best?
last year... my Principal was AH_MAZING and I finally felt like a butterfly that could spread her wings and FLY... he trusted me as an educator and had my back with difficult parents... and I could wear flip flops...
8. Why did you become a teacher?
the PAY ...duh!!!
no it is in my blood FOR REAL... I am a 5th generation teacher
9. What are you obsessed with BESIDES blogging?
my Birchbox...google it... LOVE IT

10. I feel the best when __________________ (not really a question and yet, it so is!)
I feel the best when I think of the positives and my blessings.
11. What celebrities have you met if any?
John Travolta
Charles Barkley
Wayne Gretzky
Reagan and Katie
12. What shows can you NOT live without watching?
Tori and Dean
Real Housewives anything
Broke Girls
Big Bang
I am being a PARTY POOPER and not picking 12 more taggers...
I feel like if I got tagged 1,003 times you did too!!!
PLUS I am T to the I to the R-E D TIRED
and I am planning on posting the Currently soon!!! SOON like Monday!!!
seriously that took like forever in a day...
so long it is NO longer my birthday
but go check FB and see what I am giving you as my birthday present... hope you like it!!!