BUT just in case some of you don't and
you are like me and CANNOT scrapbook
poor Drew's First Year Scrapbook is still NOT done
(insert sad face here)
I mean I have ALL the pics and what not
I even WON the scrapbook at an auction and it is already done..
like the pages are already scraptacular...not to be confused with craptacular...
these pages are AH-mazing
they are just waiting to be filled with pics
and in the blank pic holes are these little sticky notes that tell me EXACTLY
what size pic to put there
I mean REALLY it is like a scrapbook for dummies
and did I mention it is AH_MAZING
I just canNOT decide which pics to put where... I have like a kajillion pics to choose from
BUT enough about that....
hubs and I started this memory jar thing a few years ago and
it is the bomb(dot)com
(no she didn't YES I did...(dot)com)
what is a memory jar?
well it is a large jar we keep in an easy to access place

and on Jan 1st we started filling it with things we did throughout the year....
like ticket stubs to movies, shows, games, concerts

pictures that you loved,

wedding invites (that you went to)

birthday cards
hotel keys (yes I keep mine...HELLO I have to put it in my jar)
party favors from fun parties
a piece of clothing
like Drew wore this really cute pink bow tie to a wedding this year
well insert bow tie

I am not gonna shove one of my favorite dresses in there
it is called a memory JAR not BUCKET (snicker snicker snort)
fun things I did with Drew

tags off of something you purchased...
AHHHH my girl

and even brochures from your vacay

so you get the idea
small tokens and trinkets from your adventures throughout the year go into your jar
you will find yourself searching for little things
on your outings and trips that should go into your jar....
and then on Dec 31st you open your jar and go through all of the contents
it is so much fun to look back and see all of the stuff in there!!!
This year we
I decided to talk to hubs about what were some of his favorite moments of 2011
looking through our jar helped us come up with our list...
after you have gone through your jar...
you can (like I do) put it into a NEW jar that you will seal (not forever...just with a good lid)
and I label the NEW jar with stickers of the year...
I would show you a pic but I forgot to grab a jar at Target yesterday...
and I don't have any vintage ones lying around...sooooo
here is an example of a jar "sealed" from the past

see the stickers??
and when you stuff your jar...make sure to put memorable pics on the outside to make it look all
PURTY and stuff
AND just in case you were worried about POOR DREW not having a FIRST YEAR scrapbook
DON'T because he has....
a GIANT jar

and it is FILLED with yumminess

lots and lots of YUMMIES

I know this is not a "school/teacher" blog post BUT I thought you might like this idea :)
and you could start this in your class too...
maybe not...
OK that is about all I got for right now
I have several people ready to share their OLW tomorrow
be on the looksy lou for the CURRENTLY
and if you have no clue what OLW means look at my last post :)
and am I the only one grasping at the minutes left on my vacay...
ta ta for now and let me know if you have any questions about this memory jar thing
I {PUFFY} heart comments :)
and you guys too!!!