I came in 8th place and that makes me SMILE!!
big toothy smile
like SMILE so big I think
can you see my bottom teeth are slightly crooked?
My mom is my biggest blog fan and I know she is cringing thinking of all the $$$
they spent on my teeth... RIGHT MOM?
and I kept my retainers in as directed BUT still
my top teeth are great
almost perfect
but my bottom are not so perfect
don't get me wrong I don't have a jacked up grill
they are just slightly not perfect
and it's not like I have a fake tooth
RIGHT MOM? *wink*
and nothing against any fake teeth peeps out there
my favorite sport is HOCKEY and
believe me those stud muffins
those HOTTIES are super CUTE fake teeth and all!!!
AHHHH let me sit here awhile and think about those hot guys
1 2 3 4 5 OK
HOW the HECK did I get on to that
OH yeah super smiley about my winning 8th
and YAY thanks so much for helping me get there!!!
For those fantabulous girls that took my bribery hook...
I will pick a winner or 2 or 3 this weekend... I am tired....
so my estimated time of not being tired is this weekend...
possibly Friday :)
something else I am SUPER SMILEY about is my new and I must say
Thanksgiving Math Unit!!!
I have been using it with my kiddos and they love it!!!
here is a preview for you and if you want a FREE SAMPLE
head on over to my Teachers Notebook Store :)
not sure why the numbers are FuZZy on here BUT
they are not like that on the file...
I printed it out yesterday and
they looked FAB
my kiddos had a blast working on this problem yesterday
I am going to admit it is pretty hard
BUT i gave them great manipulatives to work with
and they got on track
we also stopped after about 10 minutes of working and shared ideas
and strategies!!!
I like to post my word problems on the projector so they can see how pretty it is!!!

we solved it together!!!
here is what we did
my goal for this problem was to show them that sometimes tables are not the easiest way
showing them that drawing pics was WAY easier
we used little stickers to represent acorns...
it is a little UNorganized BUT we got the answer
and that is what counts!!!
they really liked this too!!!

I can't wait to give these NEXT things to my kiddos
next week
they LOVED the candy corn ones from my Halloweeny Unit
SO I KNOW they are going to love these too!!!
YAY and I made a blank one that I will copy to the back
ON THE BLANK ONE they can work with a partner
and use 9 sided dice...
both partners roll their dice and then they will make a 2 digit number
and write it in the pie
they do it again and write their 2nd number in the pie
then solve!!!!
is that clear... clear as MUD?
hope not!!!
and just in case you wanted to know... there are 27 pages of greatness!!!
so there you have it...
go grab your freebies if you want
it is geared for older kids...3rd-5th
any questions let me know
and as a parting shot and because I wanted to show off this anchor chart we made

we talked about what we ALREADY knew about
the 2 basic genres and HERE IT IS
pretty good huh!!!???!!!
yeah that's how Farley's Class Rolls!!!
and don't you think I should be excused from an upcoming
it is after school til 6
I should use this as evidence I know how to teach genres
*remember I looped with my kiddos*
talk to you Friday!!!
til then
Peace Out