I have been nominated to the Top Mom Blogs and need your votes!!!
READ my speech first and then come back up here and click on the apple and books to vote :)
and now to my campaign speech!!!
This is an honor beyond belief...
for YEARS (like 7 felt like a bazillion)
Ken and I prayed and prayed to become parents!!!
***I am now going to give a NOVEL worth of info SQUEEZED into a short paraphrase-ish post and I am going to use a whole bunch of ... and a lot of !!!***
We did everything you can think of
my butt was a dart board for years
even hubby got to target practice
and hormone pill after hormone shot after dr visit
( I swear I paid for my Dr's vet... pretty sure we did)
and too too too many surgeries to count and nothing!!!
there were somethings just nothing that lasted more than 9 weeks
Finally after ANOTHER emergency surgery (triple tubal)
I woke up and realized that hey this is NOT my destiny!!!
We started our paperwork in November of 07 and in Aug of 08 we were on our way
to becoming parents!!!

you are nominated as a MOM blogger I was so so so so so happy!!!
I AM a MOM... and a blogger
light bulb moment...
I AM A MOM....
i cried
becoming a MOM was such a difficult road
and in the end I would DO it ALL again to get my Drew!!
and when I saw MOM blogger
it hit me...

Thanks in advance for voting!!!
I really appreciate it!!
and if you want you could vote every single day for 19 days
if you want :)
and just in case you want to know... the first picture of BABY Drew is the EXACT moment I became a mom!!!
now after that DEEP heartfelt and touching campaign speech to go and vote could I possibly go into a
shallow plug for a UNIT I created....
Ok remember where I told you
I WOULD NOT use this blog as an advertising board for my teacher store at
I am having sleepless nights about it...
I want to share a unit I created and can't unless I PLUG it here...
I mean my kids are LOVING IT!!!
SERIOUSLY today they cheered when I gave them the Candy Corn Multiplication...
really I thought I had a gas leak in my room or something...
they really cheered OUT LOUD!!!
(((happy teacher moment)))
so after much thought on my way home...
(i live like 5 minutes away and that is if I hit the 2 stop lights)
I thought...
that every time I do "PLUG" something in my store
I will also post a FREEBIE for you!!!
so we both win... you get a freebie and I get to PLUG
does that sound OK? hope so!!! because that is what I did!!!
ok I gave you 2 FREEBIES!!!
my guilt got to me...
click on the pics above to download them :)
or click here... I was having a really hard time getting Googledocs to take the background on the word problem :( and so I downloaded it as a slide and if you click here it is a PDF with no background...sorry
and here is what else is in the unit
this unit is only at my Teachers Notebook store
and proof they LOVED it or at least pics of their work...
using the word problem I gave ya :)
and please don't forget to vote for this
I still grin ear to ear when I think if that!!!
go all the way back to the top and hit the apple and books
thanks again!!!