Meet The Teacher
I am so so so so TIRED!!!
but so wanted to do this Meet The Teacher Thingy over at Blog Hopper!!!
So here it goes...
a little bit about myself...
Hi I am Meghan Farley.
I am exactly mid thirties TEE HEE HEE
I have been married to my highschool sweetie for 11 years (12 this Oct)
We have an almost 3 year old named Drew!!!
We have 2 dogs named Dori and Merriweather.
I graduated from SWT twice... one time for Animal Science and the next for Education!!

how long have I been teaching?
I think I have been teaching for 11 years... this is funny because my buds and I
all started within 2 years of each other
and we had this convo the other day and none of us could agree or remember...
and too lazy to confirm it...
does it matter in my PAY...NO because our pay was locked this year....
anywho I am PRETTY SURE this is my 11th year teaching and
my 10th year at my little ole school!!!
If you are my friend and would lilke to figure out the real amount of years
please leave a comment...
I am talking to you BURD!!! :)
FYI Burd and I started teaching the same year in this district and
I am pretty sure SHE KNOWS!!!

something you might not know...
I LOVE to take pics of myself... Oh you can tell???
OK let me think of something else......
this might be a shocker BUT I LOVE me some Kid Rock...
there is nothing like driving to school
(a whopping 3 miles away so for like 7 minutes on a SLOW day)
with some KR blaring out of my speakers.
Sad news... never seen him in concert though...
but truth be told I am a little nervous to go to one of his concerts...
I don't exaclty fit his fan profile *wink*
and something else you might not know...
all my dogs have been named after Disney characters
Copper (miss her)
all my fish (which are or were Betas) have gangsta names
Snoop Fishy Fish
Queen La Fisha
Fishy Cent
what am I looking forward to...
I am really looking forward to this year because
ONE... I get to loop with 12 out of my 18 kids
TWO... I am in a new grade which means NEW material and NEW lessons and NEW things to make!!!

i need to improve...
supplies I can't live without...
my thumbdrive is my life line between my home laptop and school
my fan because my room could be a thermal warming experiment (thanks hubby for getting me a NEW one)
my post its.... OBVIOUS
my NEW liquid pencil SHARPIE...{puffy} heart it!!!
my To Do Lists.... found here
Ok I think that is about it!!!
thanks for coming by and how about one more pic and NO it is not of me but my little man...
let me set this up...
he was playing with my OLD Speak and Spell and comes running up to me and says
HEY Mama I spelled my name!!!

hop on over to Blog Hopper
because ....