OK... let me just say
Big Brother was horrible tonight...
my eye candy Jeff is GONE!!!
(wipe tear)
and Shelly...shame on her!!!
If she was in my class I might have to....
well I can't say because this is a G rated
blog (believe it or not)
I neglected yesterday's linky party
I was napping
then dinner with MIL
then home to watch BB
and then bed...
but I am back tonight!!!
it's FUN!!!! Plus I was stalking it and went through EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!
Might be procrastination
I might have a stack of papers I need to grade!!!
OK OK I cannot lie...
I have a stack of papers that I need to grade!!!
BUT who am I kidding I am going to blog stalk a little longer
and then stay up to watch BB After Dark
and then go to bed
and then grade my papers during break tomorrow!!! (SHHHHH!!!)