is hosting a
Fantabulous favorite fonts LINKY!!!
I {PUFFY} HEART font and here are my FAVES!!!
i tried and i tried to get it fixed BUT
it is late and i still have laundry to do and
I am still SUPER tired from my 4th of July VACAY!!!

to here!!!
and I am still SUPER sore from this

because I SLIPPED in the hotel tub!!!
I was ReD BLaCk & bLuE...
NO worries I spent
oh a few hours waiting to find out that I broke
and and and I can't think of any MORE excuses!!
I am sorry i do not remember where most of these came from
(AND NO i did NOT hit my head in the fall)
BUT i am sure you can google them.
and and and i just noticed that almost all of my I's are lowercase and
I am leaving them...
I leave you with a few more 4th of July pics from our family reunion!!!