you know what tomorrow is!!!!
It is the Writing TAKS!!!
For those of you that do NOT know about the TAKS...
it is our FaNtAbULouS
(say fantabulous in a snarky sarcastic tone)
state test.
Tomorrow the 4th graders will be taking the
writing portion of the test
AND being the BESTEST 3rd grade around...
we made them good luck goodies!!!
Are these NOT the cutest little goodies for the
WRITING test!!!
I can't take ALL the credit...
I got the idea from Cookies and Cups when she featured them
as a neat Valentine.
We made ours out of Rolos and Kisses!!!
I'll tell you the truth...
we had parent volunteers
(3 of them)
come in and help us make them.
AND then the kids got to write their messages.
Each 3rd grade classroom
adopted a 4th grade class.
We delivered our goodies today
& the 4th graders loved the surprise!!!
We also made extras for ALL of the teachers
that will be helping with the testing.
LOOK at those surprised SMILEs....
they loved their TAKS goodies!!!
Do you do anything special for your testing days to boost the kids spirits???
Let me know about it!!!
Leave a comment~ I would love to know!!!