we are in the middle of an Author Study...
Chris Van Allsburg.
to see the previous scroll down about 2 posts and you will see it :)
Here is my Interactive Door
and this is where I have my Strong Verb/ Weak Verb Chart.
We talked about how Van Allsburg uses VERY strong verbs in his writing to make a stronger visual image in your head!!! I usually keep my Interactive Door up for a week BUT
the kids have had so much fun searching for STRONG VERBS in their books...
it will stay up another week.
This is a Travel Tracer activity that my kids worked on for 2 days. They "traced" the travels of Ben, in Ben's Dream. Every time a setting changes it must be documented in a travel tracing activity!!! I know the kids LOVED this activity because some of them stayed in at recess and came in early to work on it!!! YAY!!!
Next week, we have 3 more books to look at and discuss!!! My team and I talked about how much fun we have had teaching this unit and it shows in the kids work!!! KUDDOS to us!!! LOL